St Osmund’s Catholic Parish Church in the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle

 Parish Priest Fr. Thomas Mason

Telephone: 01833 631457 Mobile: 07876 308657 e-mail:  

Hogarth Partnership: 

St Anne, St Augustine, Holy Family, St Mary, St Osmund, St Teresa, St. Thomas Aquinas, SS William & Francis De Sales

Welcome to the Parish Church of St. Osmund’s Gainford

About St. Osmund’s

St. Osmund’s is a Catholic Church set within beautiful surroundings in the village of Gainford, near Darlington Co. Durham. It is a member of the Hogarth Partnership of Churches within the Hexham and Newcastle diocese.

Families are served by two excellent schools St. Mary’s Primary in Barnard Castle and Carmel College in Darlington.

During term time, there is a vibrant Children’s Liturgy every fortnight.                

St Osmund’s will be open for Parish Mass each Tuesday at 10.00am

Sunday Mass Times

As noted earlier this year, the new schedule of weekend Masses will begin in May. The principle used is that on the even Sundays of each month (second and fourth) there will be Mass at Gainford at 9.30 on Sunday as now; but on the odd Sundays of each month (first and third) there will be a vigil Mass on Saturday evening at 6.30pm. There will always be a notice on the porch door giving details for forthcoming weeks. It will inevitably take a while to get used to the new pattern, so do take particular care of times as it beds in.

Sunday 13th October 9.30am

Saturday 19th October 6.30pm

Sunday 27th October 9.30am

Saturday 2nd November 6.30pm

Sunday 10th November 9.30am

Peace for the people of Ukraine

We continue to pray that the terrible situation in Ukraine will be swiftly resolved and that peace and justice may prevail.

O God of peace, who are peace itself and whom a spirit of discord cannot grasp, nor a violent mind receive, grant that those who are one in heart may persevere in what is good and that those in conflict may forget evil and so be healed. Through Christ our Lord. (Roman Missal)

Pope Francis has offered a Prayer for Peace in Ukraine

To join in the prayer visit the ‘Prayers’ page on this site

The 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

13th October 2024

Theme: The Kingdom is worth every sacrifice

Go and sell everything you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’

Bulletin 13th October

Readings and Reflection 13th October

Children’s Liturgy:

The next Children’s Liturgy will be on Sunday 13th October

Children’s Mass-Activity Sheets   There are sheets with activities for children available at the back of church each Sunday.

Children’s Liturgy at home

Children’s Liturgy from Cafod


The Parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) and Diocese’s policies and procedures at all times. Details of our Parish Safeguarding Representative can be found on the notice board in the porch and the Parish Centre, or alternatively the Diocesan Safeguarding Team can be contacted on 0191 2433305 or at